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⚠️ PHP 7.3 + Webpack version moved to webpack branch -- The 7.4 version theme makes use of Vite, so there are breaking updates to current developments!

⚠️ master branch changed to main

Docker WordPress Multisite



  • Install Node for your platform.


Getting started

Clone this repository:

git clone <TARGET FOLDER>

Then install dependencies: npm i or yarn

Once all packages have been installed, run yarn start to build the docker images, start the docker containers and watch all source files for changes.

Alternatively you can just run npm run serve, yarn serve or docker-compose up -d to download/build the docker images and start the server.

A few folders and files will be created inside ./data for debugging, mainly mysql. These folders are local and will not be included in the git flow.

Go through the famous 5-minute wordpress instalation by going to http://localhost:8080

Enabling multisite

In line 220 or data/, update the email section to the admin email.

Jump into the wordpress container, enable multisite with WP-CLI and update the .htaccess, making a backup of the original.

docker-compose exec wp bash
wp core multisite-convert
mv .htaccess backup.htaccess
mv multisite.htaccess .htaccess

local SSL Certificates

You will need install makecert.

Using homebrew:

brew install mkcert
brew install nss # if you use Firefox
mkcert -install

Then, you will have to generate the Certificates and dh parameters

mkcert localhost ::1
openssl dhparam -out dh.pem 2066

And finally copy the certificates from the mentioned location in the terminal into ./data/certs/ nginx expects the files to have the following naming structure: dh.pem ssl.crt ssl.key. The nomenclature can be updated at data/nginx/wordpress.conf

You can also generate your own, or use existing ones you might have. (Using openSSL)


Does it work immediately?


What if I don't want to use SSL?

You have to change quite a few settings, like the nginx configuration file.

I'd like to start fresh, what do I do?

Type npm run reset or yarn reset and voilà!

This is not working properly in Windows... Help!

Although it might work in Windows, I have only used this process in *NIX machines. Some commands might have to be altered in package.json to adapt for proper Windows usage.