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25 sponsored developers and organizations loaded.
Support Fyra Labs' goal to produce open source software for the greater good, and get some useful benefits and services too.
👋 Hey there! I'm Arash, a passionate Software Developer who loves learning and crafting code and building cool things.💻By sponsoring me, you'll be supporting my journey to continue creating OS projects and contributing to the dev-community💚
Help bring shorter, more readable code to the world through the open source work of Kevin Whitley!
Support the development of Cachet 3.x, the open-source status page system 🚦
We are the R&D team at Spiral Scout, which develops and supports popular open-source projects like RoadRunner, Spiral Framework, CycleORM, and Temporal-PHP. We appreciate your support or stars, if you like our products and use them.
We're a small indie team that develops Crest, a class-leading water technology for Unity.
Support James' open source work on osci-render. 🔊〰️This allows me to afford to experiment with new technology such as ILDA lasers and colour and brightness output, as well devote more time to development!
Modoboa is a fully open-source mail server, developed and maintained for more than 10 years now.
We develop open-source high-performance developer-friendly BGP data analysis tools.
Albumentations is a fast, flexible image augmentation library that simplifies the process of training computer vision models by providing diverse data augmentation techniques for real-world applications.
I have been an active member of the open-source community for over a decade, with significant contributions to a wide variety of projects related to security, privacy, self-hosting, static site generation, Python, Django, Fish shell, and more.
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